Things Only Sisters Understand

For the next few months my sister is going to be in Florida.  I thought that I’d take this time to make a blog post inspired by her, so here it is.

Things Only Sisters Understand:

  • When one of us is gone, and the other one secretly feels like a piece of them is gone.
  • No matter how much it pains us to say it, (most of the time) our sisters are our best friends.
  • When we mess up and do something stupid, sure, sisters will be the first to make fun of us, but they’ll also be the ones to help us fix whatever we did.
  • Whether we broke something or screwed up on the guy front, our sisters will always be the first ones we ask for help from.
  • When we need help putting together outfits, or we need to borrow clothes, our sisters are our go-to solution.
  • One of us always has to be right. It doesn’t matter if we have the same main point, or are arguing about two separate things, one of us is ALWAYS right.
  • No matter how much you fight or annoy each other, she’ll always be your best friend, and you’d do anything for her.
  • That feeling when we’re sick, and our sister drops everything, so she can take care of us.
  • That feeling when you’re together and you both just feel untouchable, like you’re the coolest people ever.


Now, I know that these things are different for everyone, and some people aren’t so close to their sisters, or feel the same way towards other siblings, but this is what I’ve experienced with my sister.


Misconceptions About Sexuality

I feel I should talk about sexuality because middle school and high school are really important times for figuring yourself out. Recently, I had a friend tell me he was anxious to come out to me.  I was confused, because for him to be anxious, that would imply that he was telling me something that was bad or that he wasn’t supposed to. Nobody should ever feel they have to be anxious to be the way they are.


There are a lot of misconceptions about sexuality. Many of the common ones include that: people who classify as gay or lesbian are ‘inferior”, asexual people “just haven’t met the right person”, bisexual and pansexual people are “confused”, gender-queer people “don’t exist”, and transsexual people are just “going through a phase”. None of these are true. These are just hurtful stereotypes that media has trained us to believe. Instead, we should say things like: gay and lesbian people are just as important, asexual people are creative, bisexual and pansexual people are charming, gender-queer people are beautiful, and that transsexual people are brave.

Sexuality should be part of you but it should never define you. Nobody should ever feel like they are less important because of their sexuality. You should be in a place where you feel comfortable to be just the way you are. Now, I’m not saying that it’s bad to be straight because it definitely isn’t, or that only straight people say these things. What I’m trying to say is that nobody should ever feel unsafe to openly be who they are, and that we should be accepting, not discriminating.